hrp0092p2-167 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2019

Adherence and Long-Term Outcomes of Therapy in Pediatric Subjects in Argentina using Easypod™ Electromechanical Device for Growth Hormone Treatment: The Phase IV Multicentre Easypod™ Connect Observational Study (ECOS)

Chareca Cinthia D , Belgorosky Alicia , Chiarpenello Javier , Colombi Lia , Pasqualini Titania , Von Schulz Hausmann Cristian , Assefi Aria , miras mirta

The Easypod™ Connect Observational Study (ECOS) assessed real-time adherence in patients from 24 countries who were receiving recombinant human growth hormone (r-hGH; Saizen®) via easypod™, which is an electronic injection device. Overall, ECOS showed mean adherence was maintained at ~80% for up to 3 years. Here, we assess the adherence to r-hGH administered via easypod™ in the Argentinian cohort of patients from ECOS (NCT01582334).<p class="ab...